September Monthly Update
Love: Still very much in love. Helping (trying to at least) fiancee plan wedding and honeymoon. Progress is being made. We have our location. We are sending out invitations this weekend.
Work: Training, training, and more training. I am still training, but have been handling claims for two weeks now. For the most part they are pretty easy claims, although I got one that involved a $4000 estimate. Luckily an experienced co-worker helped me write the estimate.
Health: Good, I think. I did pull my back playing tennis last Sunday. I could hardly move for two days, went to the doctor and got some pain killers. I am feeling a good bet better now, but my back is still a little bit tender.
Mental Health: Good. I'm in high spirits 85% of the time. The job has a steep learning curve, so I'm feeling a bit stressed some of the time. Also planning the wedding is stressful, primarily vicariously through my fiancee.
Piers Anthony's Bearing an Hourglass (still, not much time lately)
James Joyce's Ulysses (still)Trying to at least. Word of advice if you read this I recommend having open in order to understand all the obscure references. I will one day read all of the past articles. Made some pretty good progress, but still only about 1% through it all.
Playing: World of Warcraft (PC), Teken (PSP), Daxter (PSP)
Watching: Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 5 on DVD (hilarious), Alton Brown on food network, adult swim on cartoon network.
Biggest Timesinks: WOW, wedding stuff.

that is absolutely disgusting. just totally gross. i really only read the first few lines but i began to feel tremors of violent intestinal contractions. and to think, i was going to complain that your blog was not as gay as your invitation email had promised. killed that comment idea right away. i'm gonna go lay down and perhaps after i get my wind back i'll brave the rest of your post hoping i don't step in the shit of sweet nothings and love speak. marriage... you fool. schnookums.
i was just reading in bed and i discovered some startling new information. as a human being my penis is somewhat novel in the fact that it swings free and is not attached to my abdomen like those of most other mammals. take that other mammals! although i wonder, do i prefer my penis to swing free unattached to my abdomen or would it in fact be a much better configuration were it secured. as my penis has never been attached to my abdomen, it seems rather rash to presume i would not be better off as such. ergo i will henceforth spend the remainder of the week deep in trenches of investigative science performing an experiment with my penis hard-cemented to my belly. wish me luck.
Do I know you?
Josh, is that you, you twisted free penis swinging primate?
Is that sarcasm my love? For the record, I said that I was helping you plan the wedding. I of course give you most of the credit for the ensuing event.
i give her all the credit for the "ensuing event." much like mel gibson gave the jews "all the credit" for murdering jesus christ.
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