August Monthly Update
I've decided to do a monthly update at the beginning of each month in case friends, family, or lovers of the mundane want to know what I'm up to. So here is my first go at it.
Love: Still very much in love. Helping (trying to at least) fiancee plan wedding and honeymoon.
Work: Training, training, and more training. I'm writing this from Phoenix, where I have been for the past week and a half. I leave Friday and then come back for another two weeks on August 14th.
Health: Good, I think.
Mental Health: Great. I'm in high spirits 95% of the time.
Piers Anthony's Bearing an Hourglass
James Joyce's Ulysses Trying to at least. Word of advice if you read this I recommend having open in order to understand all the obscure references. Sidenote: I went to and it took me to an Irish pub/restaurant's website. And not one called James Joyce's. Funny huh. I will one day read all of the past articles.
Playing: World of Warcraft (PC), Loco Roco (PSP), Daxter (PSP)
Watching: new Superman movie (I give it a 3.5/5), Alton Brown on food network, adult swim on cartoon network.
Biggest Timesinks: WOW, managing budget/finances (I got Microsoft Money and highly recommend it), blogging.

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