Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The End is Near!

Inspiration: A christian coversation (and margheritas)
Category: rant/social critique

So I just got back from my favorite Mexican restaurant. The margheritas were great, the food was great, but the night was tainted by fundamentalism. Yes, there I was sitting in my multi-colored booth when I overheard the conversation that was in progress next to me. At first I thought it was a jubilant bible study, but then I realized I was witnessing my first real case of dispensationalism. (see I have studied this in an undergraduate history class on US Occult Knowledge, but had never seen it. Also, it plays a prominent part in a book I really like, the hilarious novel Crazy Legs and All by Tom Robbins; which I highly recommend.
Anyway, this guy was discussing with another guy that "this" (meaning the world) was Jesus's kingdom and he was going to come and take it back. In other words, kick some ass JC style. He then started talking about the current war between Israel and Lebanon. He went on and on and he continued to get more and more excited. He was actually happy that people were killing each other. This is a rough quote: " Wouldn't it be a happy occurrence if a rocket flew into the Dome of the Rock," he said with a smile on his face. Just in case you don't know, many dispensationlist believe that the Dome of the Rock, a mosque in Jerusalem, will be destroyed before the second coming of Christ. Wow, scary huh. Personally, I want no part in a religion that hopes for war and human agony.


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